Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Shaking off the fats!

I got so agitated by all the work I've got to do I had to go and paint my nails. I know it sounds weird, but that's the first thing that came to my mind. *laughs*

Actually, I've got more reasons to get agitated at, all about my imperfections. *sigh*

It seems like it's our gym-day on tuesdays, happening in between classes during our long break. Sweat it out! I just love it, it loosen up the muscles. I did running around the stadium while they did it in the gym.

I totally felt like running down into the pool, like just submerge myself into the water. The sun seemed as if it's just 100 metres above my head, almost catching my hair on fire. And then I tried to sneak into the gym without registration and towel.

But I was caught in action.. I still used the equipment anyway!

Ms RoAnn decided upon her gracious heart to dismiss us earlier because everyone of us was like dosing off on the table while she's trying to show us some nutition video. Way too uninteresting please~!

And now that's where I am grumbling to myself at home. I don't like memory work!

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